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31 Anti-Aging Biohacks

Part 1

Biohacker author AJ James

The Ultimate Guide To
Biohacking Your Age 

Anti aging biohacks
57% Of People Want To Look Younger

57% Of People Want To Look Younger

Most People Won't Admit It ​ 


Aging is full of negatives

Although I am committed to leading a positive, motivated lifestyle, the idea of becoming slower, mentally incapacitated, physically challenged, (and let's face it, a whole lot of other issues) is pretty damn frightening.


It creeps up on you

One minute you have full control, the next you've aged to the point of significant disability.  Life is short. 


You can fight it

I firmly believe that anti-aging strategies are one of the most fundamentally important things a person can partake in if you want to maintain good health. Many ways in which we fight aging include fortifying our health.


This guide is full of science-based biohacks that help to promote longevity and youthfulness.


I'll admit It

I want to live a long life and be healthier for as much time as I can control.


So much to see, do, and accomplish.  So little time.

Where To Begin?

The First Steps


Fighting aging

Slowing age ineluctability and all of those negative effects require a lot of knowledge.   There are many scientifically sound anti-aging biohacks that can help and the good news is that there all here in this absolutely definitive guide to slowing the aging process.


Biohack Your Body
These anti-aging hacks can show you how to slow down aging by looking at what the science has to say about age-related issues, using the best methods possible to increase you lifespan and the visible effects of time.


You want to look exactly how you want to feel

Sure, growing old gracefully is an important part of life, but that doesn't mean you can't look younger, feel younger, and stave off the many deleterious effects that getting older will inevitably bring.

What Is Aging?
Aging factors
What Is Aging?
Why Do We Age?

Before We Begin...​

Aging factors

Well, there's some really interesting stuff below about what aging is.  I thought you might find it helpful if you understand the process but I get it, not everyone wants to read anything remotely technical. 


You can skip along to the biohacks below if you want and I won't feel insulted (maybe a little) but if you stick around and learn a bit more at the start here, you might be able to impress your friends (or possibly lose them - I don't know them).


Internal vs external

These two forms of aging are quite different and a person could conceivably have a lot of externally visible aging while having quite a healthy and youthful inner biology because they are exposed to environmental factors that affect their outward appearance far more than their inner health.


Ideally, we want to slow our biological clocks down to improve quality of life not just add a few low-quality years as elderly folk.


These biohacks

This guide is designed to cover both internal and external aging, so, these biohacks will help you inside and out.

Hourglass of father time
Why We Grow Old

The Whole Story


It's complicated

Well, you probably think you know the answer right? 


We get old, get wrinkled and at some point, meet our inevitable end.  Case closed.


Hold on, though...

What If I was to tell you a lot of what is considered common knowledge about the subject of aging is actually untrue or at the very least, factually incorrect?


This is because your biological age and your actual physical age are not necessarily the exact same thing.


Enter the... Horvath Clock

Horvath's Clock
What Is Horvath's Clock?

A Better Measure


Your real age

Ever noticed how two people can be the exact same biological age, in fact, they could be born on the very same day and yet they seem to be very different as far as the aging process is concerned.


This is because their Horvath Clock is different. 


So, what exactly is this Horvath Clock then?

It's named after the geneticist, biostatistician, and anti-aging researcher by the name of Steve Horvath.


Also known as an epigenetic clock, the is a measurement of age based on looking at a given person's biomarkers of aging and assessing what is considered normal (1)


The best measurement of real aging

Steve Horvath's particular version of the epigenetic clock is so accurate that it's widely used at the time of publishing this, as the most efficacious measuring tool for predicting someone's actual age.


Biomarkers Of Aging
What Are The Biomarkers Of Aging?

There Are A Few


What Defines Age?
An epigenetic clock​ measures several biomarkers in order to predict a person's non-biological age.


These may include: 



Histone Loss

Histones are the proteins found in the nuclei of eukaryotic cells.


As a body loses histones, cellular divisions have been shown to suffer and with it, the body will age at a greater rate proportionate to the loss of the aforementioned eukaryotic cell proteins.


Telomere Length

This is what most people who know a little about aging are aware of.  Telomeres are sort of like a protective cap on the end of linear chromosomes that protect them from degradation.  


As the telomeres shrink over time chromosomes degrade leading to chomosomal inefficiencies. 



Histone Variation

Why variation matters

Not all histones are exactly alike, meaning that some are more functional in the aging process (or slowing it).   The variety and subsequent effects are measured to give another depiction of cellular aging. 



DNA Methylation​

Changing your DNA

This is a process more simple than it may appear.   The cysteine component of cells gets methylated becoming 5-methylcytosine. (2)


The rate at which this happens affects aging substantially by changing dna replication.


Is That Everything?

Is That Everything?

It's Enough



Do I need to know more?

Not really.   The Horvath's clock model of cellular aging testing uses 353 biomarkers to make its assessment of age. 


That's a lot of biomarkers.


Everybody is different and everyone has different factors that will change the rate at which they get older.


Good news

The anti-aging biohacks in this guide may help you control some of the factors that can age you as an individual.   Most of them are going to be very positive effects on your overall health, too.


Can You Get Your Epigenetic Clock Measured?



You can, soon

At the time of writing this, there are no widely available services outside of a few major cities that can offer you a measurement of your Horvath Clock.   It can be done, but right now you'd have to be either in a scientific study or you'd have to do some serious internet browsing to find a fledgling service. 


Using the right term

The use of Horvath Clock and Horvath's Clock seems to be fairly interchangeable if you're looking to further find an epigenetic biomarker testing service.   Don't worry, you won't look silly using either term.  



One Last Thing Before We Look At These Biohacks To Help You Slow Aging...


Can You Fight Aging?
Can You Really Fight Aging?
Can You Fight Aging?
Increasing Longevity

With Biohacking



The good news is that with more and more research and innovation, it's becoming not only easier to fight getting older but we are also able to go some degree towards reversing aging.


Now, I don't want to hype too much

There's enough of that everywhere.   What I am happy to point out is that many people who have attempted to reduce the effects of aging have been quite successful.


I'd even like to believe that I have contributed to slowing down the internal and external effects of aging within myself because I've been using some of these biohacks for a few years.


So, yes.  A normal, everyday person can really fight aging, and so can you.

Let's look at factors affecting aging.​

Good health sign
Age-Related Health

Can Be Changed


Getting healthy
Well, his may seem like a bit of a no-brainer.   Poor health can contribute to making you older, faster.​


Of course, our 30 biohacks are going to address this concern with a few really useful health tips that could be of tremendous value.


It can help

It's would be great if health was the only factor, we could just eat right and look after ourselves.


But, it's one of many reasons you age faster or slower.

DNA genetic luck
Longevity Genetics

Can't Be Changed... Yet!


It's not that bad

Now, before you make a call to your parents to blame them for your genetic predisposition, bear in mind that genetics is only a fraction of why you age at the rate you do.


There is a lot of new information in the field of epigenetics but that's really about changes to the way your genes work rather than sequential DNA modifications.


The genetic lottery

For some of you, you'll be blessed with great genes and good luck but for others, you may be looking down the barrel of a fully-loaded wrinkle fest.


Good genes are great but...

Again, I iterate and can not stress this enough - Genes are just a piece of the aging puzzle.


Don't worry

Luckily this page has a bunch of age-fighting biohacks that'll help you wrestle the odds back in your favor.


health-promoting environment
Environmental Aging Factors

Can Be Controlled


Monitoring exposure

Exposure to the wrong chemicals, pollutants, and substances all contribute towards whether or not you age faster or slower.


Lifestyle & cellular health

There are some lifestyles that are hugely beneficial for staving off the inevitable ravages of time, just as there are those that make a marked impact upon the way your body ages.


Some of them are pretty obvious like if you live in a heavily polluted city you'll have a higher proclivity towards the type of cellular damage that could age you.


Sorting the good from the bad

Some lifestyles may seem very healthy but might lead you towards exposure to things that heretofore were not known to be bad for you.  More on that later, though.

Psychological Factors
Psychological Factors

Can Be Controlled


Getting older faster

What you may not be aware of is that the level of stress you have may seriously affect the rate at which you age.


Stress = Cellular damage.   

This is something that's becoming more and more relevant as societal demands and cultural shifts leave people living far more complex lives than any generation in the history of humanity.


Changing lifestyles

The world is busy, complicated and the demands on the individual are many.


With this comes a concomitant stress load that if not managed can lead to serious issues of which aging is the least of the problems.

Youth-giving skin cream
Skin Care

Can Be Managed


So, this is purely about your external aging

A whole swag of people reading this are here purely to hold off wrinkles and sagging aging skin.  What can I say?   If we lived in a world where looks didn't matter, things would be extremely different.


We don't, though.


Youthfulness is still held in high regard as the ultimate sign of beauty and as much as there are people who say otherwise, most don't practice what they preach.



That's okay

No judgment here.   There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to appear more youthful.  99 times out of 100, doing so is going to be a net benefit for your physical health, if not your mental well-being as well.


Skincare matters

What you put on your skin, what you don't, when you do it - These things all contribute to the visible signs of aging.

Youth-giving skin cream
Can A Normal Person Fight The Aging Process?

Can You Keep Youthful?


The jury might be out on whether a normal person would actually want to but yes, it appears so.  That's good news to anyone who is looking to appear younger a little (or a lot) longer.


If you like the idea of feeling and looking more youthful, then maybe some of these biohacks can help.

Let's Biohack Your Age & Longevity
Countdown to growing old
Let's Biohack Your Age & Longevity
 Biohacking Your Age

Time To Get Started



Okay, let's take a look at these age-slowing hacks and learn how to defy the aging process


You're ready to begin

Now that you understand how we age and the issues that affect your ability to stay young and healthy, biohacking your age to achieve maximum youth will start to sound like an excellent proposition.


If you've made it this far and don't know what biohacking is you can check out this page:

What is biohacking?


That should explain things nicely and have you excited to apply all of our biohacks to improving your life and evolving your mind.


This author believes it's essential to take an external and internal approach to fighting aging.   Some biohacks will help your skin look younger and some will take an internal, holistic cellular mechanistic view.


All are backed by methodologically sound research.



Let's see our first bio1ack:

Starting at number 31...

31. Controlled Skin Exposure 

31. Skin Exposure 
Anti-wrinkling cream
What You Put On, Matters
Your Skincare Regimen Could Be Aging You​

Not stating the obvious?

Okay, so you're probably thinking "I know how to wash my damn face, what kind of idiot do you take me for" (or not), but hear me out -  This actually contains some useful stuff you might not have considered.


Modern Products Can Be Terrible

There are so many bad ingredients in many skincare items that might play a role in actually decreasing your ability to remain looking youthful.


Creating an optimal environment

By using the right moisturizer, hydrator, dead skin remover, and treatments, you can create an optimal environment for complete skin juvenescence.



But what you thought is the most effective way, may not be.

Let's look at why that is...

Dermal anti-aging scrub
Facial Scrubs May Irritate Your Skin​

But They're Pretty Effective


Facial Scrubs & your skin

These are the go-to for most people looking to exfoliate dry, flaking, or pore-clogging dead skin cells.


The issue with face scrubs

The irritant nature of some of them might do more harm than good.   


Depending on what the components are of your facial scrub, you might actually remove too much healthy skin and in the process put your body into a state of having to "over-heal" itself in order to repair.


This is a tough line to find and an easy one to go over

Do it right and you'll have much smoother skin.  Do it wrong and you place your body under possibly too much stress.  Find a happy medium with a mild facial scrub or try the following...


Youthful Facial mask
Facial Masks Are Great​

A Pretty Decent Option


The real MVP

These can be really effective in both removing dead outer layer skin as well as unclogging your pores.


Facial masks and body peels are inexpensive, effective, and pretty easy to use on a regular basis. That youthful feeling of tight skin and smaller pores is something that keeps many people opting to use these frequently.


Many uses

Although the name facial mask implies using it on your face, you can apply the peel-off mixture to almost anywhere on your body relatively safely.


The biggest concern is the chemical content of the mixture...  

Endocrine disruptor warning.
Beware Of Endocrine Disruptors

A Health Issue


The endocrine problem

Obviously, you're on a biohacking page and I'm a biohacker who is passionate about health trying to educate people on optimizing their lifestyles.


One serious problem society has is with the level of endocrine disruption from exposure to chemicals that are bad for your hormones.


Issues for men and women, alike

For men, this can lead to increased fat storage, muscle loss, and even erectile dysfunction in some cases. 


For women, this can manifest as acne, mood changes, and many other potentially more harmful effects. 


If you are using either a facial cleanser or a peel product, you'll want to avoid exposure to harmful endocrine disruptors.


List of toxins to watch for

The National Insititute Of Environmental Health Science lists the major toxins in the below list:  



  • Bisphenol A (BPA) (3)


  • Dioxins 


  • Perchlorate 


  • Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 


  • Phthalates 


  • Phytoestrogens 


  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)


  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 


  • Triclosan 



Be consumer aware

It's worth checking out to make sure none of the products you use contain these nasty compounds.  It's surprising


You may well be shocked at just how many regular, household products contain these hormone-affecting chemicals but what is certain is that you'll want to avoid them.



So, to summarize:


> Removing dead skin help reveal youthful skin


> Harsh facial cleaners might be harmful but mild ones and facial peels are okay.


> Avoid chemical endocrine disruptors.



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



Aj speaking about skin cream for tight pores

AJ Says:

"So we've started with an easy one - Dead skin can stop healthy, new skin forming optimally and just makes you look older.  


It's also something you can change really easy - A warm, wet face towel can do the job until you find a decent dead skin removal product."



Next up is an anti-aging compound that you could even have growing in your garden, biohack#30...

30. Aloe Vera

30. Aloe Vera
Skin helping aloe vera plant
Miracle Anti-Aging Plant?
From The Garden To Your Skin



A long history of skin protection

Aloe vera use can be dated back 6000 years to Egypt where it was known rather prophetically as the "Plant of Immortality".


Most biohackers are pragmatists. 

We know that not all natural products are healthy and not all things manufactured in a laboratory are bad for you.​


But, with that said, a lot of us steer towards natural products where we can.


It appears to be both natural and healthy

Aloe vera is one of those fantastic, effective natural products that can give you a number of benefits to your skin-age, your appearance, and even your internal health


Let's take a look at how aloe vera can be used as an efficacious age-fighting tool:

science of aloe vera on fighting oldness
The Science Of Aloe Vera​

Is It Really Effective?


What does the science say about this so-called "Plant of Immortality".

You're most likely aware​ of many skincare products that sell in the "anti-aging" section, use aloe vera as one of the main ingredients.  The hydrating effect is pretty well known.


Studies show an impressive nutritional composition

According to The Baylor College Of Medicine, aloe vera contains several ingredients that are beneficial to skin health, including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, enzymes, & anti-oxidants. (4)


Topical application on a regular basis gives your skin the benefits of all these age-defying ingredients.

watering can
Grow Your Own​ Aloe Vera

A Cheap Skin Moisturizer



Because it's so easy to simply place on your window sill and leave, aloe vera is a very easy succulent plant to grow from home.


One of the major benefits of growing your own is that you're not purchasing refined products that are subjected to chemicals we don't want to interact with and stored in plastic containers that may leach hormone-disrupting chemicals​.


That's two problems eliminated by growing some from home.  Or failing that, you could buy the plant whole from a retailer.  That would be an effective way to get the aloe vera you want for your skin without being subject to skin-aging chemicals.

Healthy Benefits Of Aloe Vera​
Healthy Benefits Of Aloe Vera​

What Else?


Aloe vera juice is often consumed for its health benefits​

The science on aloe vera's effects on internal health is a bit "iffy".  There some research saying drinking the juice can be good for you and there's also some saying it does very little.


Sunburn relief

People have been using aloe vera as an external sunburn remedy and also as a general burn salve.  Its cooling effects might reduce pain but its anti-inflammatory effects are most likely what helps the most.


As a drink, the anti-inflammation properties it contains might be something that could also fight aging.   Either way, it's well worth getting some aloe vera if you want to biohack your age.


Because aloe vera may help both internal and external longevity, it earns a place at number 30.



So, to summarize:


> Use pure, natural aloe vera on your skin daily


> Grow your own to save money and avoid unwanted chemicals


> Drinking the juice might be beneficial too. 



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ talking about anti oldness benefits of aloe vera

AJ Says:

"Aloe vera looks like it's got some things good for your skin and is a really effective hydration agent


I'm skeptical about it as a drink because the research is not conclusive.  Plus, I thought I could make tequila out of it like you can with agave - But I was dead wrong - Don't try that at home"


The next biohack uses something you probably have in your cupboard...

29. Coconut Tryglycerides

29. Coconut Oil
Coconut for youthfulness
Nature's Natural Nurturer

More Than A Food


Multiple uses

It's a very popular dietary food at the moment but did you know it can be of great use to those looking for younger-looking skin?


Well, it is.​


The unique triglycerides in coconut oil are fast becoming popular not unlike apple cider vinegar, in that they may have a myriad of applications and uses.


Why you'll want to try it

If you're reading this, though, then it's the age-fighting youthfulness properties that are going to be of first and foremost interest, so, let's take a closer look...

juvenescence properties
Moisturizing Properties

Skin Juvenescence


Nature is nicer

Biohackers love natural products whenever we can get them. 


It's not that natural things are always the best or that synthetic products are bad, it's just that natural products don't as often contain those nasty fillers that might affect your hormonal health.


A natural moisturizer

There are a lot of utterly garbage night creams, synthetic moisturizers, and skin products all designed to take your money and maybe do what they claim.


Proof & price

Coconut oil has plenty of solid scientific evidence to support its effectiveness as a moisturizer and is available in it's purest organic form for very economical prices.

Protective skin barrier
Protective Barrier​

The Skin Shield


A layer of added protection

Perhaps one of the most exciting things about coconut oil is not just its inherent hydrating properties but also that it can help to protect the skin.


Science backs coconut oil

Coconut oil or Cocos nucifera as it's known technically has been studied among other natural oils and has been shown to create a protective barrier when applied directly to the skin.



Natural oils study

Another interesting study showed that the antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects of coconut oil triglycerides (and other natural oils) can help prevent aging caused not just by wrinkles, but also by intrusive skin conditions that may cause irritation and further skin aging. (5)


Consumed for health benefits

It also has some anti-inflammatory properties when ingested which may also have anti-aging benefits.


Coconut oil tryglycerides have antioxidant characteristics, can increase caloric expenditure, and may encourage lipid mobilization. (Pubmed coconut oil)

Younger dermal layers
Good Absorption

Fast, Efficient


Better than store-bought products?

Coconut oil ( cocos nucifera), has a low molecular weight which means that it may be able to be absorbed by the skin easier than some artificial and heavy skin creams.



Because of the aforementioned low molecular weight, coconut oil may be able to not only penetrate the skin but also bond to skin collagen proteins easier offering another form of skin protection that might help fight aging​


It is comedogenic​

This might be an issue for those who have oily skin or acne.   Because comedogenic oils such as coconut oil may leave a barrier, they can be prone to blocking pores.


If that's an issue you're looking to avoid, don't worry - More biohacks down this page contain non-comedogenic oils that don't have this problem.


So, to summarize:


> Coconut oil (cocos nucifera) is a good skin moisturizer


> It's cheap and it may offer protective qualities for your skin


> It may not be as good for people with oily, acne-prone skin



AJ's Biohack Rating:​




AJ speaking about skin elasticity from coconut oil

AJ Says:

"This is probably going to be a go-to anti-wrinkle product for you if you're broke but it's actually really good even if you can afford the more expensive products


Not so good for acne.  If you've got acne, let's face it - You're probably not worried about wrinkles just yet."


Next up is all about antioxidant power in fighting wrinkles inside and out...

28. Vitamin C Dosing

28. Vitamin C
Vitamin C rich orange
Antioxidant Power

Total Cell Health


More than just a cold prevention vitamin

It's an excellent vitamin for skin health and anti-aging​


It's quite possible that no other micronutrient has had so much debate and conjecture aimed at it as has Vitamin C.


So many claims, but what we care about is what works

It's been touted as a miracle cure, a preventative, and even an aphrodisiac but a lot of the times, claims of Vitamin C's effectiveness have been exaggerated, misjudged, or outright fabricated.


The science is solid

When it comes to fighting aging, though, Vitamin C has some sound science to back its effectiveness. 


Let's take a look at how Vitamin C can help to biohack your age...

The Science Vitamin C
The Science Vitamin C

Collagen Help



Fighting cellular damage​

In a 2012 study, scientists researching the anti-aging positive effects of Vitamin C on human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (heart cells) discovered a demonstrable change in cellular degradation. (6)


By dosing with higher than normal levels of Vitamin C (0.5 grams several times per day), considerable cellular benefits may be possible.


Collagen production

Your skin is full of collagen proteins but you need Vitamin C to create new collagen.  If you're deficient, not only will you lose out on the health benefits of Vitamin C but you'll also possibly appear to look older.


Effective & easy to acquire

This is pleasing news not just because Vitamin C is available in supplement form in almost every supermarket, health store, and pharmacy, but also because there are a lot of natural forms of this anti-aging vitamin that are pretty easy to come by.

Natural cherry
Natural Vitamin C Sources​

Real Vitamin C


More than just oranges?

Everyone knows oranges are a source of Vitamin C but what's lesser well known is that there are many other fruits and veggies that are actually higher in this age-fighting vitamin.


Depending on where you live in the world, these might be abundantly available to you:



Acerola Cherries (Yum)

Only a single cup of these little beauties can get you 9 x the daily requirement of Vitamin C




50 grams of these tiny berries can yield an entire day's worth of your needs.




Yes, this is the hipster veggie of choice but there's a good reason to eat kale because only a single cup can give you 120% of your daily Vitamin C allotment.


Chili Peppers

Just a single green chili pepper can see you right for a whole day of what you need.


There are a lot more natural sources because luckily, Vitamin C is fairly ubiquitous.  You can also choose to supplement it.

Vitamin C Supplementation
Vitamin C Supplementation

Convenience In A Bottle


As​ mentioned above, supplements are quite easy to come across so getting your vitamin needs to be met is pretty simple stuff.


Not all supplements (of any kind) are created equal

Here are some of the best forms of supplemental Vitamin C for those looking to benefit from its age-defying properties.


Ascorbic acid

You can get this in a natural and synthetic form which are the same chemical structure so it's not something you have to worry too much over, especially if the price is an issue.  Cheap supplemental Ascorbic acid powder is effective, economical, and easy to find.



Buffered Vitamin C

Some people can experience the side effect of stomach upsets with excessive Vitamin C supplementation and the buffered variety may help alleviate this problem.


These are less acidic and also contain essential minerals.



With Bioflavonoids
If you are unaware of bioflavonoids, they're just a compound in plants that are a natural antioxidant.


These plant derivatives might help with the absorption of supplemental Vitamin C.



So, to summarize:


> Vitamin C is scientifically proven to affect aging


> There are a lot of natural sources


> There are many supplements available for those who may prefer them.



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ talking about the effect of vitamin c on old age

AJ Says:

"Another pretty cheap way to biohack your health & age.


There's really no reason to not take Vitamin C regularly if you're looking for a way to slow down aging with many other health benefits "


Next, you probably have these but the type is extremely important for preventing wrinkles...​

27. HIIT Training

27. HIIT Training
Reverse Aging Training
Reverse Aging Training

...And More!



A powerful training tool

You might have heard of HIIT or high-intensity interval training as something athletes do. 


If you have, then you'll know it's widely touted as being exceptionally effective in helping high-level athletes to reach new performance goals. 


More than just fat burning

For people in the gym, it's often used as one of the most effective fat-burning exercises known to mankind.  It works.


But, it's more than just a fat burner or a fitness strategy, it's a powerful tool in fighting aging.


Real cellular benefits

There are a number of benefits to HIIT training as has already been mentioned such as improving fitness and burning fat but it might be possible that the advantages bestowed at a cellular level that can shield you from aging, might be the greatest benefit of all.


So, let us take a look at why HIIT could help... 

What Is HIIT Training?
What Is HIIT Training?

Simple & Superior


Intervals & intensity

The concept is simple:  Rather than train at the same pace, high-intensity interval training means that training is made up of mixed intervals of intensity.


An example of HIIT 

Imagine you go for a run.  Okay - Now instead of running at the same pace the whole time, you jog for a bit (say, 45 seconds) and then you break into an all-out sprint as fast as you can (say, 15 seconds)


Congratulations; you've just trained using high-intensity interval training.




As mentioned previously, this is a powerful fat-burning form of exercise but what you really want is to know how it can help in the battle against getting old (or looking old).


So, let's take a look at the science of HIIT...

 Why Hiit Lengthens Telomeres
 Why Hiit Can Reverse Aging?

The Data


That's a bold claim


The idea that exercise can extend our lives is not a new one.  The thought process is that it increases heart health as well as other circulatory benefits.


But can HIIT make bolder claims?


The science behind HIIT fighting aging

According to a well-researched study on high-intensity aerobic interval resistance training, many positive effects could be observed from the data. (28)


Benefits May Include:


> Improved mitochondrial function

Mitochondrial function diminishes with age but HIIT seemed to deliver improvement.


> Improved protein synthesis

Another function that is known to decline with age, impaired protein synthesis means that repair and regeneration of cells will not occur at optimal levels.  HIIT training may counter this.


> Improved aerobic capacity

Breathing issues come with a whole swag of concomitant health problems.  From an anti-aging perspective, lack of oxygenation of cells means possible cellular debilitation (very bad).


Obviously, if HIIT training improves breathing then it may help fight the debilitating effects of a diminished aerobic capacity.


Like any training form, there is some risk...​

HIIT Training Cautions
HIIT Training Cautions




Heart Conditions

Those with a heart condition would need to be very very careful in whatever form of exercise they partake in. 


It goes without saying that HIIT training may not be beneficial and may be potentially dangerous.


Joint pain

Many forms of training can inflame the joints but HIIT training in almost all it forms is especially impacting on the joints.


Some forms of HIIT done on a rowing machine or stationary bicycle may be less stressful on the joints.


Poor technique

Let's be real, almost any exercise can injure you but this is exacerbated by using incorrect form.   If you train with a poor technique, expect to be injured.


Fitness levels

Training requires a level of exertion in order to be beneficial.  It is recommended to seek professional medical advice before embarking on a fitness program.


You can also assess your fitness level to understand what training may be appropriate.



So, to summarize:


> HIIT make you fitter, leaner, and can reverse aging effects


> It helps with mitochondrial function


>  It may not be great for everyone depending on their health



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ recommending Hiit training to stop feeling oldish

AJ Says:

"I do this form of training twice per week.  Absolutely anyone looking to employ HIIT training should seek medical advice and I'm not just saying that to fulfill my legal obligations.


If you can perform this kind of training the benefits are vast and definitely worth it."



If there was a way to drink something daily that had youth-inducing properties, you'd think I'd list it here and you'd be dead right!...

26. Alcohol Limitation

26.  Alcohol Limitation
Excess Alcohol And Senectitude
Moderation Is Paramount

Excess Alcohol And Senectitude



This won't be popular

I'll be the first to admit there are positive social and even health benefits to drinking alcohol for some people.   That being said,  we all know many of the dangers of excess consumption.


Serious aging risk

well, you're reading this because you either want to live longer or you just want to remain looking youthful for longer.   Drinking too much alcohol is a serious roadblock to either of those lofty goals.


I'm not saying you can't drink

Far from it, in fact, in an upcoming biohack, you'll see how some alcohol may be beneficial


Let's take a look at how excess alcohol can age you faster...

Skin Aging Overall Cell Agedness
Skin Aging

Overall Cell Agedness

Skin elasticity issues

People who drink more alcohol than they are able to healthily process are very prone to advanced aging of their skin. 


Skin dehydration

Alcohol has a dehydrating effect which can make skin appear more wrinkled and crevassed.


Skin pigmentation

Excess alcohol has been associated with those purple capillaries that are often visible in the elderly but can occur at quite a young (relatively speaking) age of those who imbibe too much and too often.


Then there's your poor liver...

Liver Damage Cirrhotic Dangers
Liver Damage

Cirrhotic Dangers



Liver Strain

One of the most sinister effects of drinking too many alcoholic beverages is the strain it may place upon your liver, even resulting in liver cirrhosis or an increased risk of cancer.


Aging risk

A compromised liver can have many detrimental effects on your health many of which are age-related. 


Rhinophyma (Alcohol Nose)?

This has actually been disproved by science.  While drinking excessive amounts of liquor may lead to skin issues, the swollen, red, and bumpy nose often attributed (falsely) to alcohol-related liver damage is caused by other factors. (8)


But most dangerous of all might be​...​

Compromised Immune Function
Compromised Immune Function

Holistic Health Danger


Lowered white blood cell count

In his paper The Hematological Complications Of Alcoholism, Dr. Harold S Ballard notes that alcohol in the bloodstream may reduce the level of white blood cells (leukocytes). (9)


Weakened immunity

A lowered white blood cell count can significantly reduce the body's ability to stave off infection and disease. This can all be terribly dangerous if increasing your lifespan is of paramount importance to you.


This is bad news for aging

The inability to fight infection means your organs including your skin are compromised in regenerative effectiveness.  The inability to optimally regenerate skin cells might have a serious effect on visible aging


So, to summarize:


> Excess alcohol can lead to visible skins conditions associated with aging


> Liver damage can result from too much and this may cause further skin damage


> It may lower leukocytes (white blood cells) reducing immune function


AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ on the dangers of alcohol and agedness

AJ Says:

"It's probably not an issue for most people - The real problem is like any vice, taken to excess can cause health problems.


I'm not here to be the fun police - You're free to drink as much as you please but at least now you know the EXTRA consequences"



Time for a wrinkle prevention tip that helps fight fine lines and crow's feet that you may not have considered...


25. Reduce Skin Friction

25. Reduce Skin Friction
Lowered friction - lowered wrinkles
Excessive Friction = Wrinkles

But Not Necessarily Like You Think...


Preventing a wrinkly face

A lot of people reading these tips are concerned with longevity and health but I'd hazard a guess that the overwhelming majority are people looking to fight visible aging, especially in their facial region.​ 


Wanting to stay youthful

If that's you, then this is something you might want to know about and before you utter the words: "But AJ, I smiling gives you wrinkles - Think again".


All is not as it seems

It's all a little more complicated than that.  In fact, there's evidence to suggest it not being true, but facial friction may come from a place you never thought to look.


But first, let's look at the idea of smiling causing wrinkles...

Smile lines
But They're Called​ Smile Lines?

Confused Yet?



They most certainly are

Have you ever stopped to wonder what your aging development would be like if you didn't smile?


Happiness actually prevents wrinkles

Well as it turns out, being happy and smiling may accentuate the production of dopamine and as such reduce the cell-damaging effects of stress. (10)


So, the evidence of smiling creating wrinkles is not so clear-cut.


Go ahead and smile

That's not the facial friction to be concerned about.

No, it's something altogether different...

Sleeping to prevent skin wrinkling
How You Sleep Matters

Nighttime Facial Friction


This is interesting...

Further down the page, there's a whole section on the importance of sleep in preventing wrinkles and cellular aging but it's not the sleep itself that I'm talking about here, right now.​


It's how you sleep

You see, someone who has slept on their stomach with their face mushed into their pillow causes a lot more facial friction than someone who sleeps on their back.


(It may also affect your breathing too)


Repetitive damage

Years upon years of the constant contorting of your face being pushed and pulled by your pillow can create visible crevassing in your face.   So it may be worth evaluating your sleep positions to avoid those corrugated wrinkles lines.


Effectively, the weight of your head could be contorting your skin towards wrinkling.

Anti-wrinkle mask
The Best Way To Sleep

Preventing Skin Agedness In Bed


Maximize your resting position

Obviously, if you don't want friction-created wrinkles then you may have to change your sleeping position.   Lying on your back is likely to be the absolute best way to avoid the agitation of pillow/skin friction​.


There are a couple of things you can do which might help:


1. Wear a night mask

This might simply reduce the amount of overcontact between your skin and the pillow you sleep on.


2. Buy satin or silk pillow coverings.

Silk and satin might be effective in reducing irritation of your skin (which may also help acne)


3. Use a toxin-free skin conditioner before bed

This could also help to reduce skin irritation from pillow contact.


4. Sleep on your back

Fairly self-explanatory.


5. Sleep on your side but with a slightly elevated head position.

This might reduce pillow contact.

If it all seems too much bother, it's best not to worry and just enjoy your naptime no matter what.


So, to summarize:


> How you sleep can stretch your skin and facial muscles.


> Sleeping on your back is the most effective prevention.


> There are a couple of hacks that might help if you want to sleep sideways or prone.



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ anti-wrinklage

AJ Says:

"Don't be afraid to smile, just because someone says it gives you wrinkles.


Do, however, pay attention to the way in which your sleep position might cause extra wrinkle-causing friction"


Now it's age-defying supplement time...

24. Dietary Vitamin A

24. Dietary Vitamin A
Skin reinforcement
Skin Reinforcement

Not As You Know It


Topical Vitamin A is all the rage

But, this biohack is all about the stuff you consume​


The science is pretty clear:  Vitamin A prevents aging

It works well on the inside as well as the outside, but we've got some information further along down the page on the external variety.


For now, let's look at dietary Vitamin A... 

Knock-Out Cell Inflammation
Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Knock-Out Cell Inflammation


Why fighting inflammation matters

Your entire biology has finite resources and a limited ability to function.  Inflammation taxes your entire system.  This means the ability to fight disease, infection, & aging is potentially compromised


Reduce inflammation = increased biological efficiency

The less stress (notwithstanding the hormetic variety) your body is under, the faster it can heal as well as being able to reach optimal levels of health.


Vitamin A reduces the inflammation problem

By enjoying a diet with adequate Vitamin A intake, you may reduce the amount of inflammation your body is exposed to and thereby allow more maximal cell regeneration and increase possible longevity.

Skin Regeneration
Skin Regenerator

Better Cellular Interactions


Healthy cells

According to Harvard Nutrition, Vitamin A can help modulate cell division and growth.  A deficiency can result in a jeopardized biological ability to regenerate skins cells. (11)



Consumable Retinol (Preformed Vitamin A)

Longevity science is packed with studies on the effectiveness of retinol on skin health.   Many foods that contain Vitamin A, have the retinoid form that is well known to be effective in fighting wrinkles. 


Foods with Vitamin A 

If you're worried your diet is low in Vitamin A, it's probably not.  Deficiency isn't a big issue, but if you wish to find foods with retinol from Vitamin A these are the most abundant:


  • Eggs

  • Fish

  • Cod Liver Oil

  • Shrimp

  • Beef Liver

  • Dairy products

  • Salmon


Regular consumption of these might result in adequate Vitamin A

A word of caution, though...

Stop Excess Vitamin A
Excess Vitamin A

Too Much Of A Good Thing


Too much is also an issue

There's definitely a sweet spot of Vitamin A consumption and going too far over it can result in dangers equal and above a deficiency


Hypervitaminosis A

Consumption of Vitamin A that exceeds 10,000 IU per day may result in Hypervitaminosis A.  

This can result in serious health dangers including but not limited to headaches, liver damage, and in very extreme cases, death.


Recommended Daily Vitamin A Intake

The (RDA) for vitamin A is 900 mcg for men and 700 mcg for women.  


As it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can store in adipose tissue (body fat) and long-term over-consumption can lead to health issues.




So, to summarize:


> Vitamin A has excellent anti-inflammatory properties


> It's highly important for skin cell rejuvenation


> Over eating Vitamin A rich foods could lead to health issues



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ recommending Vitamin A for fighting cellular deterioration

AJ Says:

"A very important micronutrient for any biohacker wishing to have optimal skin health and fight cellular deterioration. 


Plot twist: Care is needed - Too much is just as bad, if not worse than not enough"



Right now it's time to take a look at a natural oil that's obscure and yet effective at combating skin senectitude...


23. Jojoba Oil

23. Jojoba Oil
Jojobo plant
Maximum Moisturization

Softer Skin = You Win

The wrinkle slayer
If you're into the anti-aging movement then there's a pretty good chance that you've heard of Jojoba oil.

Natural nut oil
Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis) is a plant that creates a nut full of wrinkle-preventing and skin-friendly properties.

Excellent moisturization
As you're about to see, Jojoba really is an effective oil to help prevent aging skin

Proven Wrinkle Prevention
Proven Wrinkle Prevention

Jojoba Works!


Science matters

Every one of the biohacks in this definitive guide is backed by science and Jojoba is no exception.  What is exciting is these studies are pretty conclusive about the wrinkle prevention and protection that Jojoba might offer


Proteolysis reduction

As your skin ages, proteolysis occurs which reduces skin elasticity, and this further affects skin cells' function.   Jojoba has been proven to reduce proteolysis.


Reduces photoaging 

Photodamage occurs when your skin is aged due to UVA and UVB exposure.


A prominent scientific study on human skin aging shows that oils including Jojoba are effective in reducing both proteolysis and photodamage making Jojoba an excellent natural product to use for skin longevity. (12)

Noncomedogenic skin
Noncomedogenic Oil

Great For Those With Acne


When you are looking for a product to moisturize your skin, you may want a noncomedogenic type of moisturizer.  The type that doesn't clog your pores.


The good news is that Jojoba oil ticks this box.


Better than coconut oil?

As you probably learned in biohack #27 which was all about coconut oil, one of the main issues was that although coconut oil was an effective integrant for skin durability, its major issue was that it was comedogenic.


Jojoba wins

Okay, so the fact that it's rated higher on the list than coconut oil should probably be a dead giveaway but yes, Jojoba is the better choice for all-natural, wrinkle prevention.


More good news is that you can use both


Increased Collagen Synthesis
Increased Collagen Synthesis



Collagen and youthful skin

Okay, If you've read through the previous biohacks then you've probably got a fair idea of how important collagen is to your skin's longevity and durability.   If your collagen synthesis is optimal then there's an excellent chance your skin will look younger.


Collagen stimulation

Jojoba can help to stimulate collagen production which, of course, is a major boon to healthy, youthful-looking skin.  It's all about Jojoba's antioxidants.


Antioxidant power

Previously mentioned studies have shown a pretty solid link between the external application of antioxidants to the skin and the ability to prevent deterioration of the outer dermal layers.



So, to summarize:


> Jojoba oil reduces both proteolysis and photodamage based aging


> It's better than coconut oil because it's non-comedogenic


> It might help stimulate collagen production



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



Aj recommends jojoba for skin improvement

AJ Says:

"Well worth obtaining, Jojoba oil has several skin-friendly properties and definitely seems to be effective in fighting wrinkles


Technically you can consume Jojoba oil but it can give you steatorrhea (fatty poop) so you probably only want to use it on your face unless that's a side effect that really interests you"


Next up, another anti-aging vitamin...

22. Vitamin E

22. Vitamin E
Vitamin E for longevity promotion
Vitamin Excellent

Great for Defying Your Age


Another great vitamin for your skin?

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is another science-backed longevity-promoting vitamin.  It's pretty widely touted as being effective for fighting visible aging in skin


Increasing popularity 

Supplementation has meant that access to Vitamin E and its benefits are becoming more and more popular - Especially because anti-aging is becoming very fashionable


Let's take a look at why Vitamin E is great for fighting aging skin...

Antioxidant powerhouse
Antioxidant Powerhouse​

Topical & Internal


Topical Vitamin E

In previous biohack #23, we talked about how important antioxidants were in slowing the aging of your skin because they stimulate the production of collagen. Vitamin E does this well in topical application.


Wait, there's more

Better collagen synthesis is excellent but what a good antioxidant can also provide is a shield against free radical radical oxidization damage of the skin.


Consumption from food

Vitamin E is proven to be effective both topically for its skin protective traits and consumed orally for its ability to fight oxidants that may lead to premature aging. (13)

Skin moisture graphic
Increasing Skin Moisture

Dry Skin Vs Moist Skin


The power of hydrated skin

This is something I've written about at length further down in a more dedicated section to hydration.  Topically applied Vitamin E seems to really excel at hydrating the skin through moisturization.


Dry skin ages faster

If you're looking for better skin elasticity and firmness then one of the key actions you'd be wise to take would be to prevent dry skin and the negatives effects associated with under-hydrated skin.


In skin products

Many high-quality skincare products contain high levels of Vitamin E and for good reason; it's loaded with antioxidants and moisturizing properties.

Eggs with vitamin E
Where To Find Vitamin E​?

Sources Of Vitamin E


Boosting your Vitamin E intake

You may want to use it both topically and ensure you're consuming the right amount from food.  This list has you covered.

If you want to increase your dietary intake then here are the best sources of Vitamin E:


  • Eggs

  • Fruits

  • Natural Cereals

  • Chicken 

  • Meat

  • Avocado Oil

  • Salmon

  • Almonds

  • Leafy Green Vegetables

  • Wheat Germ Oil


Vitamin E recommended intake

According to the National Institute Of Health, most adults require 15 milligrams per day.  

Pregnant women and people with fat digestion issues may require more.   


Children under 14 require less.


Topical Vitamin E Oil

You can buy pure Vitamin E oil for topical application (not consumption). 


It's a fairly easy product to find online but I'd caution to stay away from soy-based Vitamin E extracts as there's a pretty solid record of soy interfering with optimal hormonal functions.



So, to summarize:


 > Vitamin E is a great antioxidant, helping your skin fight free radicals


 > It has exceptional skin hydrating properties


> You can find it in food, supplements, pure oil, and skincare products



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ speaking of vitamin e's effect on wrinkling

AJ Says:

"Yet another great vitamin that can help prevent those awful aging effects you're undoubtedly looking to avoid.


Try to stay away from the soy-sourced version if you can, especially if you're a male and your testosterone levels are important to you (Hot tip: they should be)"


Now, let's eliminate and/or reduce something that has a catabiotic effect on cells...

21. Control Glucose Metabolism

21. Control Glucose Metabolism
cell-aging sugar
Reducing Cellular Catabiosis

Controlling Sugar


Boo hiss

Now, I believe sugar sometimes gets a bit of a bad rap. 


This is because ​the lynch mob has spoken and also because education surrounding sugar, like many things, is completely filled with misinformation. 


Sugar-coated deceptions

We've been told sugar makes you fat, but it's really not that simple and because this is topic is about aging, I don't have the room to go into why that's a half-truth.


Glycemic issues

What I can say is that highly refined, high glycemic sugars push your blood sugar very high and that's bad for not just burning fat but for many health reasons - Which can age you faster.


Let's take a look at why...

Advanced Glycation End-Product

Destructive Molecules


Glycation is a perfectly normal natural process. 

It's when the sugars in your blood find proteins, attach to said proteins, and then form a brand new molecule (and I'm not joking it really is called): AGE.  



Yep!  The new molecule that indeed ages you is called AGE which is in fact an acronym for

Advanced Glycation End-Products.  


The sugar problem

The reason these AGE molecules are so bad is that they accumulate based on just how much sugar you consume.


Then the bad stuff happens... 

Cellular Damage​
Cellular Damage​

Sugar's Ultimate Price



Prevention < Cure 

You are probably aware by now that biohackers are (for the most part but not always) trying to avoid cellular damage that ages us.   


Sugar = damage 

Excess sugar leads to the accumulation of these aforementioned "advanced glycation end-products" and the reason these are bad is, of course, cell damage. (14)


Priority cells

From an anti-aging perspective, the cells they damage couldn't be worse because they're:

Elastin & Collagen.


That's right, the two seriously important skin proteins responsible for the very appearance of your skin.



AGE also turns the strongest type of collagen (there are 3 types), type III into type I which is the weakest and most prone to developing wrinkles.   Ouch!


It's bad but it actually gets worse:

Amplified Sun Damage​
Amplified Sun Damage​

Leaving You Vulnerable


Sun exposure can be serious 

Looking forward to biohack number 12 you'll see that (excess) sun exposure can seriously affect collagen integrity and thusly; the aging process.


Excess AGE leads to sun-based aging

Too much advanced glycation end-product in your system can reduce your body's natural production of solar-protective enzymatic antioxidants, leaving you vulnerable to excess and additional sun damage to your skin.


Being that the sun can already seriously damage your skin, this is all bad news.

Yet another reason the consumption of sugar is worth being educated on.   Use it at your own risk.



So, to summarize:


 > Sugar can create AGE's that can affect skin proteins


 > AGE's turn your strongest type III skin proteins into the weakest type I


> This whole process can leave you more susceptible to sun-damaged skin.



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ cautioning against sugar's glycation effects

AJ Says:

"No one is saying that you can't have sugar, it's just that consuming it might have a serious effect on your ability to fight off aging.   


Moderation is the key.  There are some great biohacks that can help with sugar in your bloodstream too"


TIme for the most effective wrinkle-preventing oil on the market...

20. Argan Oil

20. Argan Oil
Age reversing Argan oil
The Superior Oil

Best Of The Best


Top shelf natural oil

So far we've shown the effectiveness of both Coconut oil and Jojoba oil as being excellent natural products for maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance.  Argan oil is even better


Mainstream approval

Now, mainstream acceptance doesn't always signify that something is effective.  But what popularity can do is often create a reasonable price point making something more affordable.  Argan oil used to cost a small fortune for even the smallest amount.  This is no longer the case.



The last oil on this list

From here on out this is the last moisturizing oil and it's also the most superior.   

Argan oil does everything Coconut oil and Jojoba can (and more).


Let's take a look at the fantastic anti-aging properties of Argan oil​...

Tocopherol E
Packed With Vitamin E

Tocopherol Power



Proven effectiveness

Already in biohack #25, we've established a fundamentally sound reason for using Vitamin E for its effective skin-nourishing properties.  Well, Argan oil just so happens to contain a lot.


3 times more Vitamin E than olive oil

Argan oil has up to 90mg per 100 gms which is up to 3 times as much as the next best source; olive oil


The best kind of Vitamin E

There are two types of Vitamin E - Alpha-tocopherol and Gamma-tocopherol.  Gamma-tocopherol is an exceptionally strong antioxidant, helping to fight free radical skin damage.


Argan oil has up to 75% Gamma tocopherol of its Vitamin E makeup. (15)

Reduced oiliness
Reduces Oiliness

Sebaceous Support


Even though it moisturizes

Yep, Argan oil actually can help reduce sebum-related skin oiliness.  Something that Coconut oil doesn't do.  


What is sebum?

Sebum is the oily secretion of your skin's sebaceous gland. Many people prone to acne use products designed to remove or lower sebum from the skin, which in theory would reduce acne.


Sebum control 

You see, when applied topically, Argan oil can help to reduce sebum and sebum build-up in the skin keeping pores cleaned and your skin still moist and hydrated.

Omega fat benefits
Excellent Health Benefits

Omega Boost


A very healthy dietary fat source

Obviously, Unlike Jojoba which although technically edible, shouldn't be consumed, Argan oil is a very healthy form of dietary fats.



Studies prove hormonal benefits

As a general rule, most biohackers pay very close attention to hormonal health, believing it to be foundational in developing a stronger overall biology.


A well-respected study on skin elasticity shows that Argan oil consumed in the diet can offer not only excellent skin firming advantages but also hormonal benefits. (16)


In fact, many men are now consuming it for its anti-estrogenic, testosterone-boosting effects.


Might help skin conditions

It's worth noting that many skin conditions can accelerate the visible​ signs of aging. 


Argan oil may help to prevent skin conditions such as psoriasis and other inflammation-based skin ailments.



The antibacterial characteristics of Argan oil may help to fight fungal and bacterial skin infections, all of which would otherwise be quite taxing on your skin's appearance and maximum health.



So, to summarize:


> Argan oil has a great Vitamin E content


> It's better than Jojoba & Coconut oil as a moisturizer


> It has other healthy properties that make it even more useful  



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ speaking of the wrinkle-preventing benefits of Argan oil

AJ Says:

"Even though it may be superior to Coconut & Jojoba doesn't mean you can't use them all in unison.


It can be consumed for its health benefits as long as you can afford it"


Time to take a look at the very foundation of skin youthfulness...

19. Collagen Supplementation

19. Collagen Supplementation
Collagen skin elasticity
The Foundation Of Skin Elasticity

Cellular Youth


Yes, your skin is packed with this

At first glance, it might seem a little strange to supplement with something that's already so ubiquitous in your body.  Don't worry - Consuming more collagen is very beneficial.


Clear Science

The science is strong, though, so, stick around and look at how collagen helps fight aging from the inside​ which, when mixed with other external anti-aging biohacks, can provide exceptional age-defying effects.


Easy to find and effective

I'll admit some of these are a little harder to implement than others but finding a good collagen supplement has never been easier, especially as it increases in popularity.


So, let us take a look at why collagen can help... 

Collagen Production Factory
Collagen Production

Maintaining Youthful Skin


Everyone has this problem

If you're human, you will get older.  No doubt anyone reading this is looking to fight the effects of aging.   As you age, collagen production decreases and that's a problem if you want youthful-looking skin.


Decreased collagen production = decreased skin elasticity

As your body ages, your ability to produce collagen wanes, and this can have a serious impact on the firmness of your skin leading to the appearance of wrinkles


Adding collagen to the diet can help

By adding supplemental collagen to your diet, you may be able to counteract some of the inevitable collagen-loss that occurs over time. 


Here is why consuming collagen is great for your skin...

Collagen molecule
The Science Of Collagen

Study-Backed Benefits


Collagen really works

The nutraceutical company QUIRIS Healthcare commissioned a study that looked at the effects of taking collagen supplementation (with a couple of other micronutrients) and the results were pretty astounding.



Improved skin hydration, density, smoothness, and elasticity

According to a leading collagen supplementation study, there were at least four markers of skin improvement which might create a significantly more youthful appearance of skin quality. (17)


How collagen works

Although low-molecular-weight collagen peptides seem to work best, it appears that all forms of collagen supplementation do the same thing: Reinforce skin integrity


As collagen production declines it may be even more beneficial to add supplementation in order to replace and strengthen the skin's foundational structure with added collagen.



So, by now you'll probably want to acquire some collagen...

Skin collagen supplement
Supplementing With Collagen

For Ultimate Skin Health


Bone broth

If you know someone on the Paleo diet then undoubtedly they've mentioned bone broth, one of the staples of the modern Paleolithic diet. 


Bone broth is made from bones and contains a lot of cartridge and skin collagen that is broken down by the slow cooking process. It's easy to make from home or purchase at stores.


Collagen peptides

This is the most effective but also the most expensive.  Collagen peptide capsules are easy to simply swallow with dinner and offer well-documented skin improvements.


Collagen protein 

Although whey can be a very good protein supplement for those who tolerate it well, collagen protein powder is also available​.  It's not too pricey and is a pretty good way to add extra protein from collagen in a 1-2 hit.



Some people (myself included) like to add powdered (or leaf sheet) gelatin to a pre-bedtime cup of soup for its stomach health, sleep-inducing, and skin-improving benefits.



So, to summarize:


> Your skin loses collagen as you age


> Supplemental collagen is proven to improve skin appearance


> There are many forms you can buy collagen in depending on your budget



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ James recommending collagen for anti-wrinkle skin support

AJ Says:

"Another excellent nutrient with many health benefits.  Collagen is well worth adding to your anti-aging routine especially because you can consume it as a whole food.


Unfortunately for vegans, and vegetarian you'll need to supplement with synthetic amino acids to try and get some of the benefits of whole collagen protein"



Want to look younger?  Keeping hydrated might be the key...

18. Cellular Hydration

18. Cellular Hydration
Water hydration
The Importance Of Hydration

For Youthfulness & Health


You've heard it all before, right?   

Drink more water, stay hydrated, gotta hydrate.


A lot of people hear this.  A lot of them ignore it.   If you want to fight the effects of aging such as wrinkles and crevassed skin then it's time to listen.


When you don't have adequate hydration, your skin is inherently drier

The reason this becomes a problem is that dry skin doesn't handle well the day-to-day emotional range that your facial expressions can make. This may lead to skin wrinkling at a faster rate.


Let's look at the science of skin hydration as it relates to preventing aging...

Skin Hydration​ Science
Skin Hydration​ Science

Dry Skin/Old Skin



As mentioned above, dry skin wrinkles faster. 

Drinking more water helps to alleviate this problem but keep your skin externally moist can double the benefits.


The science says hydration matters

While we know that dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics, adding pure water to your skin can temporarily help with skin elasticity and appearance.


The science behind water hydration biomechanics and the evidence of preventing transepidermal water loss seems to prove it. (18)


Maximizing moisture

Skin hydration science says that as skin becomes more hydrated there is a maximal point at which the friction that may contribute to wrinkles is reduced.   


This is why at the very least, moisturizing with clean water is beneficial.

Water for youngness
Your Skin & The Water You Use

Does Water Quality Matter?​




Low-quality water may have impurities that are so bad for your overall health that they may contribute to premature aging.


If you wouldn't put it in your mouth, don't put it on your skin.

If you're not new to biohacking then you'd be aware that environmental toxins are a biohacker's worst enemy because they can affect hormonal health and create endocrine-related health issues.  


Avoiding those nasties

Because you can absorb a lot of pretty dangerous chemicals through your skin it's a good mindset to be in where if you wouldn't consume it orally, don't add it topically.


Drink good quality water whenever and where you can. 

Hydration to look younger
Spray Your Skin With Water

Instant Youthfulness


Looking after your skin

There are a lot of good skin products that can help prevent aging.  

Remember biohack #20 which was Argan oil?


It's probably obvious by now that when it comes to purely aesthetic skin appearance, moisture plays a key role in just how old you look.


There are many good products we've covered thus far that can help.


They're all well and good if you have the budget

Even if you do, spraying water mist on your skin regularly will help with surface hydration. A light spray before the application of stronger anti-aging, topical products is an excellent way to seal in moisture.


Optimizing your skin hydration routine

Ideally, you would drink purified, distilled water.  At the very least, some form of purified water. 


The same rules apply as above.  Use good quality water.   



Use a glass bottle for your mist spray and avoid plastic. 



So, to summarize:


> Drink  good, higher quality water, regularly


> Spray your skin with a fine mist of pure water for extra hydration


> Make sure it's good quality water - Money well spent



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ talking about the role of hydration in young looking skin

AJ Says:

"So long as water is free and plentiful, this is a great way to add moisture to your skin on a daily basis and won't require you to do all that much.  Aim for 2 liters per day and more if you're active.


Who hasn't got time to spray their face with a little water?"



Want to know a secret method to fight getting older that many people don't know?


Look no further than this amazing substance...

17. CoQ10

17. CoQ10
Strong Mitocondria
Mitochondrial Support

Strengthen The Cellular Machine


A little known wonder supplement

Many of the things listed on this page are probably familiar but you might have been unaware of their efficacy in supporting longevity and skin aging support. 


I'm betting you probably haven't heard of CoQ10 (ubiquinone, ubidecarenone)


Gaining traction

Because of the solid science surrounding CoQ10 and its potential role in mitochondrial support, there's a good chance you're about to see far more mainstream "talk" about this potent anti-aging compound.


Transhumanist and popular life-extension advocate and author Ray Kurzweil takes regular ubiquinone (among many others),  lending his personal endorsement to its effectiveness.


What are mitochondria and why does it matter?

Mitochondria are the part of your cells that create energy.  The mitochondrial theory of aging suggests that loss of energy is a major factor in aging.


So, weakened mitochondria = faster aging.


Time to see how CoQ10 actually works...​

Skin cellular renewal
Cell Maintenance

Protect Cells & Prevent Aging


Mitochondrial energy production

If losing energy at a cellular level can result in a lack of cell structural integrity through suboptimal maintenance then any compound that can assist with cell maintenance should, in theory, fight the aging process.   



LPS cellular repair

Because CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) has been shown to have restorative effects on mitochondria and has been shown to increase mitochondrial activity, it has a demonstrable effect on cell repair and maintenance.

The ATP/skin repair relationship

Mitochondria create ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which carries energy to cells.  Oxidative stress, sickness, and exposure to toxins all can decrease the ATP cycle and reduce the energy cells receive leaving them energy deficient and potentially weakened - Leading to cellular aging.


Let's look at Coenzyme Q10 according to the studies...


CoQ10 molecule
CoQ10 Science 

Fighting ROS


ROS Reactive Oxygen Species

creates immense oxidative stress in cells.   The cellular degeneration caused by this potentially leads to aging as well as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other troubling ailments.


Studies show reactive oxygen species suppression

Scientific studies focusing on CoQ10's effect on ROS highlight its role in the ability to counter and/or reduce the oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species to cells. (19)



It may be possible to enjoy the science-backed benefits of Coenzyme Q10 by simply adding supplementation to your diet.  


Where do you find CoQ10?


Chicken containing Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 Sources​

Food & Supps


Boosting your CoQ10 intake

If you're interested in getting more Coenzyme Q10 into your diet then there are a couple of ways.  First, you can look for natural sources from food, lastly, you could take a supplement in capsule form.


If you want to increase your dietary intake then here are the best sources of CoQ10:


  • Eggs

  • Fruits

  • Liver

  • Chicken 

  • Meat

  • Soybeans

  • Salmon

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Lentils and pulses

  • Potatoes 


CoQ10 Supplements

There are many good quality supplements available in stores and online but something to bear in mind is that Coenzyme Q10 is not easily absorbed due to limitations in human biology. 


The addition of limonene in the supplement might be beneficial in allowing for more optimal absorption.   You could also choose to eat a large portion of citrus fruit (a good source of limonene) with a CoQ10 supplement in order to get bang for your buck.


So, to summarize:


 > Weak mitochondria = weaker cells and that could age you


 > CoQ10 strengthens mitochondria


> You can find it in food or supplements. Limonene helps you absorb more.



AJ's Biohack Rating:​



AJ talking about the role of strong mitochondira in remaining young

AJ Says:

"There are a bunch of health benefits to taking Coenzyme Q10, not just the anti-aging advantages


Yet another area where vegans and vegetarians will probably have to supplement in order to get reasonable amounts  - You guys have it pretty rough"



This next biohack can help you look younger, feel healthier, and have many other benefits...

16. Probiotic Support

16. Probiotic Support
Youth-promoting probiotics
Healthy Inside

Younger Looking Outside


Don't let the banality of the title fool you 

Probiotics are amazing.  They offer several health benefits and fighting the effects of mother time is only one of them.


Another relative newcomer

Only recently has science really started to excite people about the massive advantages that probiotic bacteria can offer people who are looking to combat aging.


Inside and out

What you may be aware of is the benefits of taking prebiotics for your gut health but there are very definable skin health virtues that come from consuming them.  


There's also some beneficial results from external application.

Let's take a look at probiotics more closely...

Beneficial bacteria
What Are Probiotics?

The Good Stuff


The beneficial bacteria

If you're aware of probiotics then you probably would have heard them referred to as the good bacteria that live in your microbiome.   


They exist in your gut and are responsible for many essential conditions inside your digestive system.

There are a myriad of benefits to including good bacteria in your diet such as anti-aging and possibly lowering stress levels.



These tiny microscopic organisms that exist inside your gut flora (microbiota) help regulate many things such as vitamin and fat synthesis.  


Antibiotic destruction

Taking antibiotics to fight infection and illness can have measurably detrimental effects on your gut probiotics.  You may be healed from sickness but can often suffer other unwanted side effects, including reduced skin elasticity.


But you can add probiotics to your diet... 

Elderly couple
Probiotics & Anti-Aging

Functioning Efficiently 



Immune Support

In previous biohacks on this page, we've talked about how a compromised immune system can have serious effects on your ability to fight the aging process.


Immunodeficiency can lead to degenerative diseases and the inability of essential cellular repair. 

Probiotics offer excellent immune system support.


Reduced photo-aging

Excess sun exposure can quickly lead to the cellular degradation of collagen and this UV damage can cause considerable visible aging.  â€‹


An exciting study on the probiotic strain Lactobacillus buchneri showed effective results in being able to counter ultraviolet damage to skin epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. (20)


External application

Consumable sources of probiotics aren't the only contributive form


Another interesting scientific inventum on the positive effects of probiotics concludes that topically applied probiotics slowed skin aging by countering photo-aging, alleviating oxidative stress, and improving skin barrier function. (21)


By now you'll probably want to get some in your diet...

Probiotic Sources

Where To Find Them


Food sources

If you want to consume probiotics then there are some exceptionally beneficient foods that are healthy and easy enough to procure.


Sources of probiotics

These are wonderful probiotic  food sources:


> Blue vein cheese

> Pickles

> Sauerkraut

> Yogurt

> Kombucha

> Miso

> Kefir

> Non-cultured buttermilk

> Natto


Pickled vegetables that contain vinegar are not ideal because the acidity of the vinegar can kill the delicate probiotic bacteria.


Probiotic supplements 

If none of those food sources of probiotics appeal to you then you could always opt for supplementation. 



Beware of the shelf

Many supermarkets and health food stores have them in capsule form and it is widely recommended that you only purchase ones that are kept in the refrigerator because room temperature stored shelf-probiotics may degrade.


Also darker bottled ones are better because light may also play a factor in degradation.



So, to summarize:


> Probiotic bacteria live in your gut and help keep you healthy


> Consuming probiotics may have scientifically proven benefits for anti-aging


>  Pickled veggies and fermented dairy seem to be great probiotic sources



AJ's Biohack Rating:​




AJ recommending probiotics for younger looking skin

AJ Says:

"Usually I'd never consumed soy-based products because for men it can wreak havoc on your testosterone levels but the fermentation process of miso and natto (both soy-based) seems to remedy the estrogenic properties.


So, go for it"


It doesn't take a genius to know this next one thing that ages you, causes wrinkly skin, and leads to a shorter lifespan...

Anti-Aging Biohacks Part 2

Anti-Aging Biohacks 17 - 1

Continue reading the final and most powerful anti-aging biohacks




The information contained in this article is offered for informational purposes only.  This information is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or treating ailments and should you wish to seek such advice, please contact an appropriate medical professional.


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